19. PRADO, J.R.; RUBI, T.; BAUMGARTNER, J.; HOFFMAN S.M.; DANTZER. B.; KNOWLES, L.L. (accepted) Postglacial colonization in the Great Lakes Region by the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus): conflicts between genomic and field data. Journal of Mammalogy.
18. DALAPICOLLA, J.; PRADO, J.R.; PERCEQUILLO. A.R.; KNOWLES L.L. Amazonian forest-types and functional connectivity of its inhabitants: connectivity in sympatric spiny rat species reflects more than the single dimension of forest associations. Journal of Biogeography, v. 48, p. 3196-3209.
17. PRADO, J.R.; KNOWLES, L.L.; PERCEQUILLO, A.R. (online) A new species of South America marsh rat (Holochilus, Cricetidae) from northeastern Brazil. Journal of Mammalogy.
16. PRADO, J.R.;PERCEQUILLO, A.R.; PIRANI, R.M.; THOMAZ, A.T. (online) Phenotypic and genomic differences between biomes of the South America marsh rat, Holochilus brasiliensis. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
15. DALAPICOLLA, J.; ABREU-JÚNIOR, E. F.; PRADO, J.R.; CHIQUITO, E.A.; ROTH, P.R.O.; BRENNAND, P.G.G; PAVAN, A.C.; PEREIRA, A.; MENDES, F.; ALVAREZ, M.; RIOS, E.; CASSANO, C.; MIRETZKI, M.; VÉLEZ, F.; SEVÁ, A.; PERCEQUILLO, A. R.; BOVENDORP, R.S. Areas of endemism of small mammals are underprotected in the Atlantic Forest. Journal of Mammalogy, v. 102, 1390–1404.
14. PERCEQUILLO, A.R.; PRADO, J.R.; ABREU-JÚNIOR, E. F.; DALAPICOLLA, J.; PAVAN, A.C.; CHIQUITO, E.A.; STEPPAN, S.J.; LEMMON, A.R.; LEMMON, E.M.; WILKINSON, M. (2021) Tempo and mode of evolution of Oryzomyine rodents (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae): a phylogenomic approach. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, v. 159, p. 107120.
13. PRADO, J.R.; KNOWLES, L.L.; PERCEQUILLO, A.R. (2021) New species boundaries and diversification history of marsh rat taxa clarify historical connections among ecologically and geographically distinct wetlands of South America. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, v. 155, 106992.
12. TETA, P.; D´ELIA, G.; JAYAT, J.P.; GONCALVES, P.R.; LIBARDI, G.S.; OLIVEIRA, J.A.; MORATELLI, R.; PERCEQUILLO, A.R.; PRADO, J.R.; ORTIZ, P.E.; HURTADO, N.; SCHIAFFINI, M.I.; Abreu, E.F.J; CHIQUITO, E.A.; GIMENEZ, A.L.; TORRES, J.C. On the distinction and availability of the new taxa proposed by Agnolin et al. 2019. Mastozoología Neotropical, 27, p. 1-17.
11. PIRANI, R.M.; PELOSO, P.L.V.; PRADO, J.R.; POLO, E; KNOWLES, L.L.; RON, S.R.; RODRIGUES, M.T.; STURARO, M.J.; WERNECK, F.P. 2020. Diversification History of Clown Tree Frogs in Neotropical Rainforests (Anura, Hylidae, Dendropsophus leucophyllatus group). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, v. 150, p. 106877.
10. PRADO, J.R.; PERCEQUILLO, A.R. 2019. Aegialomys galapagoensis (Rodentia: Cricetidae). Mammalian Species, v. 51, p. 92-99.
9. PRADO, J.R.; MENDONCA, G.C.; CHIQUITO, E.A. 2019. Topics in Oryzomyini rodents (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae): natural history, diversity and the contribution of Brazilian researchers. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Mastozoologia, v. esp, p. 74-85.
8. PRADO, J.R., PERCEQUILLO, A.R., THOMAZ, A.T., KNOWLES, L.L. (2019) Species’ similar life history traits versus biome specific associations as determinants of genetic structure: quantitative comparison of three South American marsh rat species (Rodentia: Holochilus). Journal of Biogeography, v. 46(4), p. 770-783.
7. RESENDE-MOREIRA, L.C., KNOWLES, L.L., THOMAZ, A.T., PRADO, J.R., SOUTO, A.P., LEMOS-FILHO, J.P., LOVATO, M.B. (2019) Evolving in isolation: genetic tests reject recent connections of Amazonian savannas with the central Cerrado. Journal of Biogeography, v. 46(1), p. 196-211.
6. PRADO, J.R.; PERCEQUILLO, A. R. 2018. Systematic studies of the genus Aegialomys Weksler, et al. 2006 (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae): geographic variation, species delimitation, and biogeography. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, v. 25, p. 71–118.
5. HE, Q., PRADO, J.R.; KNOWLES, L.L. 2017. Inferring the geographic origin of a range expansion: latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates inferred from genomic data in an ABC framework with the program X-ORIGIN. Molecular Ecology, v. 26, p. 6908–6920.
4. PRADO, J.R.; PERCEQUILLO, A.R. 2016. Systematic studies of the genus Aegialomys Weksler, Percequillo and Voss, 2006 (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae): Annotated catalogue of the types of the species-group taxa. Zootaxa, v. 4144, p. 477-498.
3. PRADO, J.R.; BRENNAND, P.G.G.; GODOY, L.P.; LIBARDI, G.S; Abreu, E.F.J; ROTH, P.R.O.; CHIQUITO, E.A.; PERCEQUILLO, A.R. 2015. Species richness and areas of endemism of oryzomyine rodents (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) in South America: an ndm/vndm approach. Journal of Biogeography, v. 42, p. 540-551.
2. PRADO, J.R.; PERCEQUILLO, A.R. 2013. On the geographic distribution of the genera of Tribe Oryzomyini on South America, with some comments on the patterns of diversity and Reig´s Areas of Original Differentiation. Arquivos de Zoologia, v. 44, p. 1-120.
1. PRADO, J.R.; PERCEQUILLO, A.R. 2011. Ontogenetic and sexual variation in cranial characters of Aegialomys Xanthaeolus (Thomas, 1894)(Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) from Ecuador and Peru. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, v. 51, p. 155-177.
Book and Book Chapter
5. FRAGA, C.N.; Peixoto, A.L.; Leite, Y.L.R; PRADO, J.R.; et al. Lista da fauna e flora ameaçadas de extinção no estado do Espírito Santo. In: Claudio Nicoletti de Fraga; Mileide de Holanda Formigoni; Flávia Guimarães Chaves. (Org.). Fauna e flora ameaçadas de extinção no estado do Espírito Santo. 1ed., 2019, p. 1-432.
4. PARDINAS, U.F.J.; RUELAS, D.; BRITO, J.; BRADLEY, L.C.; BRADLEY, R.D.; GARZA, N.O.; KRYTUFEK, B.; COOK, J.A.; SOTO, E.C.; SALAZAR-BRAVO, J.; SHENBROT, G.I.; CHIQUITO, E.A.; PERCEQUILLO, A.R.; PRADO, J.R.; HASLAUER, R.; PATTON, J.L.; LEON-PANIAGUA, L. Family CRICETIDAE (TRUE HAMSTERS, VOLES, LEMMINGS AND NEW WORLD RATS AND MICE). In: Wilson, D.E., Lacher, T.E., Jr & Mittermeier, R.A.. (Org.). Handbook of the Mammals of the World. IIed.Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, 2017, v. 7, p. 204-535.
3. PERCEQUILLO, A.R.; ABREU JUNIOR, E.F.; BOVENDORP, R.S.; Brennand, P.G.G.; CHIQUITO, E.A.; CORREA, L.S.; GODOY, L.P.; LIBARDI, G.S; PRADO, J.R.; ROTH, P.R.O.; SALLES, V.L. Roedores sigmodontíneos da Amazônia brasileira: composição, distribuição geográfica e diagnoses. In: Mendes-Oliveira, Ana Cristina; Miranda, Cleuton Lima. (Org.). Pequenos Mamíferos Não-voadores da Amazônia Brasileira. 1ed., 2015, p. 1-336.
2. ABREU JUNIOR, E.F.; BRENNAND, P.G.G.; CHIQUITO, E.A.; JORGE-RODRIGUES, C.R.; LIBARDI, G.S; PRADO, J.R.; PERCEQUILLO, A.R. Dimorfismo Sexual na Tribo Oryzomyini. In: Thales R.O. de Freitas; Emerson, M. Vieira. (Org.). Mamíferos do Brasil: genética, sistemática, ecologia e conservação. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Sociedade Brasileira de Mastozoologia, 2012, v. 2, p. 115-134.
1. PERCEQUILLO, A.R.; SIMÕES, D.R; ALTEFF, E.F.; ABREU JUNIOR, E.F.; LIBARDI, G.S; GOMES, I.B.S.R.; PRADO, J.R.; CORAGEM, J.T.; SILVEIRA, L.F.; STORTI, L.F.; TURCI, L.C.B.; BERNARDES, M.L.; BRENNAND, P.G.G.; BOVENDORP, R.S. UHE Santo Antonio: Guia das Especies de fauna resgatadas. 1. ed. São Paulo: Scriba Comunicacao corpporativa, 2011. v.1., 328p.